As part of the City of Orillia’s plan to improve infrastructure, a Sanitary Sewage Pumping Station is being relocated. The new pumping station will include an interior diesel generator and an emergency holding tank.
The proposed pumping station is located within 150m of Lake Couchiching. It was determined that the lake elevation and water table was a mere 1.0m below existing grade. The proposed pumping station was required to extend 15.0m below grade. Geotechnical information suggested that the soil conditions were saturated clays and extended to 17.0m below grade. It was later discovered that the saturated clays were saturated silts and ground conditions also contained a confined aquifer.
Maple Site Solutions Inc. was originally retained to provide a watertight shoring system. Due to the challenges discovered early on, our proposed secant wall was extended to depth. Upon completion, additional geotechnical information was obtained and it was determined that additional measures were required due to our findings of the confined aquifer and gravel conditions. Maple Site Solutions Inc. was then retained to provide a tiedown anchor system for the new structure.