Bridgeport Sewage Pumping Station

Scope: Caissons

The Project

The Region has experienced steady residential and industrial/commercial/ institutional (ICI) growth for many years, and anticipates this will continue as a result of factors such as a strong local economy, the Province of Ontario’s Places to Grow (P2G) Act, and major Regional and Provincial transportation initiatives that are underway. The Region completed a Wastewater Treatment Master Plan (WWTMP) in 2007 (Earth Tech, 2007) to plan for future growth and provision of treatment capacity throughout the Region. Due to changing population growth patterns, wastewater flows, and environmental regulations, the Region is now updating the WWTMP. Among these factors, updating the population growth projections in the Region is a key objective for the updating the WWTMP.

The Challenge

To supply and install (6) 1000mm diameter caissons with limited access on the side of an existing bank through saturated silts and sands.

The Solution

Use of drill rig with the capacity to utilize segmental casing on a 2 stage working platform and the assistance of a crane to hoist and place a rebar cage and concrete pump truck to tremie concrete.